Moreover, 50 MB video clip and 100 MB audio clip can be sent to your contact. As compared to official WhatsApp, you can send almost more than 90 pictures at a time.
All-out Pictures Sending Feature: This feature is what going to be loved by you for sure. Share Live Locations: By using GB Whats App, you can share their live locations with friends.
Hide Voice Recording Status: You can hide the voice recording status.DND: This feature is truly useful if you are using some other app on your Android phone and don’t want to get concerned and uneasy because of WA Plus messages then you can disable the internet connection for GB WhatsApp Download new version 2020 only by using DND feature.
Select All Chat: You can select the all chats at one time from the home screen. Revoke Multiple Messages: You can revoke multiples messages at one time. It comes with the Filter Messages feature which facilitate the user by giving option to clear chat. Anti-Revoke & Filter Message: GbWhatsApp comes with Anti-revoke messages feature. Messages History: Revoked messages’ history can be checked from your contacts and groups. Text messages Broadcast: This is one of the great feature as you can send Broadcast text messages to groups. Auto Reply: this feature can be used if you want to reply to your friends at any time. Following we are sharing GB Whats App’s feature. GB Whatsapp APK download comes with the lots of features that can be used on a smartphone. Old Version WhatsApp GB APK Download GBWhatsApp Pro v8.75 GBWhatsApp Pro v.11 GB WhatsApp 10.20 Download GBWhatsApp Pro v10.00 Download v 7.0 GB WhatsApp apk download latest version by clicking on below button.
Download GBWhatsapp APK File Details: Android version You can make and modify your own theme by changing colors & typefaces. Two applications can be used in same device. GBWhatsApp have dissimilar package name as no app can ease you to use one app in single device but GBWhatsApp Latest version do so. One most interesting thing is its packages. Developer update the app frequently to make users more engaging and comfortable. It is comparable version of WhatsApp having many features, themes and privacy options. WhatsApp mod apk many mods are available but GBWhatsApp ( GBWA) considered the best.